On Aug. 16th, 2024, Scott English from the APS, MC'd the unveiling ceremony G.A.S.S. with special guest Bill Schultz, the creator of the first Rattlesnake Island Local Post Catalog in 1976, along with myself. Here are the Rattlesnake Island Local Post's latest stamps.

These new stamps are available for pre-order and will be mailed after the "first Day of Issue" ceremony on 9-10-24 at the Liberty Aviation Museum, Port Clinton, Ohio. .
Below is a picture taken by David Rosenthal after the unveiling ceremony at G.A.S.S.

Below is another beautifully designed collage postcard by Beth Gregerson which will be available as a first day issue cover with a single 50 cent RILP stamp or the set of 3 RILP stamps.

We thank everyone who attended the ceremony as well as visited our table at the GASS. We look forward to our first open to the public "First Day of Issue" Ceremony of Rattlesnake Island Local Post 2024 stamps. Another blog and email coming soon about the Sept. 10th First Day Ceremony.

The next stamp show I will be attending with the new "Island Aviation Through the Decades" stamps and covers will be at CUY-LORPEX 2024 on FRIDAY OCTOBER 25th 10am - 6pm and SATURDAY OCTOBER 26th 10am - 3pm at ROCKY RIVER CIVIC CENTER MEMORIAL HALL, 21016 Hilliard Boulevard, Rocky River, Ohio 44116. Till the next blog enjoy the beautiful triangles and hexagons!
Dave Gill