Nov. 10th RILP Relaunch
In Honor of my Parents

This Section for Stamp History
is also under construction
A wealth of history can be found in
John Wells book
"The History & Local Post of Rattlesnake Island Lake Erie"
2022 Triangle stamps have been issued

The featured Ken Gill Construction barge #10 was built and purchased in 2002 and is a 30' x 70' x 5' spud barge. The 2 primary spuds are operated by a stripped down Link Belt 78 crane. The work crane is a Link Belt LS98. The push boat "Buttugly" was built in 2001 by the Madison Boat Works. She is a 14' x 25' hull with twin John Deere 175hp engines turning a pair of 30" props.

The featured Jet Express II is a 98' long by 28.5' beam, drafting 3' built in 1992 by the Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding Co. in Somerset, MA. Powered by twin Deutz 1,850 HP engines driving KA ME WA 6352 jet drives. Capacity of 395 passengers and a crew of 5.
Captain Ralph Brumby operated the Jet II from 2003 thru 2022.
Normal season is first Friday in May to Mid October.

The featured "South Bass" ferry is a 94 gross ton, 94' long by 38' beam vessel built in 1989. Powered by twin 3412 Cat diesel engines at 625hp each turning 56" props. Rated for 20 vehicles or 500 passengers. Last day of service for the 2022 season is scheduled for Sunday Nov. 27th. Her draft is approximately 7'. Cpt. Glenn Cooper